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Dear Feng Shui Enthusiasts,


This week one of my very good friends has a plan to move to her beautiful new apartment. While we were chatting on the phone and discussing about what to take with her self and how she should pack her stuff it’s just occurred to me that now it’s a best time for her and her husband to get rid of their clutter. In this way she is not only taking the pieces she need but more importantly she is moving only the item she likes.

While I was speaking about that with her I just thought it’s a great idea if I share some very easy and basic tips with you. So it can help you if you are also in the process to moving to the new place. Or even if you stay in your current place maybe it’s a good time to create new energy to your house and invite better opportunity in your life. So there you go:

1-     De-clutter and cleanse your house with joyness.

2-     Remove the item you don’t like and only keep the pieces you love and offer you a blessing.

3-     Give away the stuff you don’t need. This is a rule of thumb when it comes to cleaning up and freeing from clutter. Being generous involves giving away stuff you don’t really get to use. What you won’t use for a long time and collect dust may actually be an answer to somebody else’s problems. Just make sure that you are not transferring clutter but something that can really be of use to the person you are giving it to. You can also divided it in to 4 section:

a-      the items that you want to give to charity

b-     the things that you want to give it to friends

c-      the one’s you want to sell

d-     the items that are going to the garbage

in this way its make it very easy for you to start de- cluttering.

4-     While working on a project, clean as you go. This means that you will not just leave stuff lying around on the table as you do your work. This ensures that the work space remains clean, and this also implies that you are open for more productive work in the future since the space is wiped free of any traces from previously done work.

5-     Don’t keep anything under the bed

6-     Keep the kitchen free on any expired food.

7-     Paper work- mails – try a clean desk

I am sure you have a pile of paper which you think one day you are going to check them but as you know better than me I guarantee this day will never arrive. So let’s start it right now. Throw out the mail you don’t need and try to keep it as a daily habit. In this way your desk will never cover with the pile of paper.

8- Remove or give away the bad memories.

9- Moping the house once a month with salt and water.

10- Fix all leaking pipes – clean all the dirty window and open the window when ever climate allow you to bring the fresh air in your place.

Sounds like a lot of work but it will open your house for new energy.

Try it.

Yours Proshat Lehmann

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